Change Android AVD location in Windows7
Why am always forget to update this blog? I don't know. Anyway i would like to share a small tip i came across when i am working with Android. Android.. hmmm ... Sorry i just started to learn Android. Like all other thing am experimenting with Android. First i just added 4 AVD and tried to make Fifth one and got an error. I just looked my partioion and found that C drive is almost full.. It's because the Android AVD is created normally in C:\Users\UserName\.android\avd and i am just giving every AVD a 5GB SDCARD also. What else ? :P I searched google and found and solution . I just copied the .avd folder from C:\Users\UserName\.android\avd and just pasted it to another drive. And i also edited the configuration file of each AVD. Got the idea ? no? Okay i have a AVD named " gingerbreadWVGA " . I would have a " gingerbreadWVGA.avd " and " gingerbreadWVGA " configuration file on " C:\Users\UserName\.android\avd\ ". I just cut a